- 1927
He studies the basic principles of composition : harmony, counterpoint, fugue and chorale variation with Paul Le Flem. Jolivet talks of the "tonnes" of work he did for Le Flem. His teacher introduces him to the great polyphonists of the XVI century as well as Bartók and Berg. He encourages Jolivet to attend the three Schönberg concerts given in Salle Pleyel in 1927.
- 1928
The group Discontinuité gives the first performance of a Jolivet piece which could have been either the Sonatine for violin and piano or the Trio for flute, viola and harp (personal communication to Suzanne Demarquez by André Jolivet).
- 1929
Thanks to Paul Le Flem, he meets Edgar Varèse in the course of the first performance of Amériques in the Salle Gaveau. Subsequently he studies orchestration and composition with Varèse until his return to the USA, in September 1933.
Marriage with Martine Barbillon.
- 1930
He composes Trois temps pour piano and a String trio which will become the basis of the Suite pour trio à cordes in 1938.
Birth of his eldest daughter Françoise-Martine.
- 1931
First performance of Trois temps at the Société nationale de musique. He visits the Exposition coloniale. The young composer would remember his impressions when he composes la "Princesse de Bali" of Mana and the Cinq danses rituelles..
- 1932
In the spring, he applies for membership of the "Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de musique" (SACEM).