Paul Le Flem, born in Brittany, planned to become a sailor but dedicated his life to music.
In the summer of 1933, on his way back to the United States, Varèse went to Spain where he contacted people to organise a IVth International Arts Conference. Jolivet joined him and here they visit the Escorial.
In 1936, Jolivet, Baudrier, Lesur and Messiaen founded the group “Jeune France”. They signed a “Manifesto” stating its principles.
In 1948, Paul Le Flem, Jacques Chailley and Jolivet spent a holiday together in La Trinité sur mer.
The dancer and choreographer Georges Skibine created a ballet based on Jolivet’s Piano Concerto. Besides their common interest in music, they also liked tobacco, fine wines and tobogganing…
In 1972, Alexandre Calder repairing the foot of his sculpture “L’Oiseau”, one of the six pieces given by Varèse to Jolivet which inspired him to compose Mana.
The Japanese composer Tomojiro Ikenouchi greets Jolivet whom he invited to the Tokyo Conservatory which he directed.
A lunch with Antoine Goléa and Dorel-Handmann provides another opportunity of recreating the world of music !
After the concert he has conducted in Cleveland, Jolivet is smiles to George Szell who congratulates him.
La Flèche du temps, one of Jolivet’s last works, was commissioned by Théo Hug (summer of 1972).